Memorial Day May 28th 2018

Garden Club 2015

May 21,  2016

Certificate of Appreciation awarded to Karen Rogers for all her help at the Farmers Market

Construction of new sidewalk to accommodate 495 new pavers

The Brighton Garden Club does a very nice job for Veterans and the City of Brighton. THANK YOU from all of us!

Battlefield Crosses representing WWI, WWI/Korea and Vietnam. (Note: Gulf War/Iraq/Afghanistan to be added by Veterans Day)

May 2017

At Food City, we honor those people that serve and protect our country, and we know that without the men and women who watch out for us, we would not have any of the luxuries we do. We are the land of the free because of the brave and we salute you!

Video Gallery

September 2014

New Paver Installation

138 new pavers along with two replacements were set June 6, the 70th Anniversary of D-Day. It was a beautifully fitting day amidst the reminiscence of the occasion.  Laurie Jonckheere of Carly & company lead the way, supported by Ralph Bidwell, Bill Rubin, Ron Warmbier, Ken Frasheski and Walt Wooten.  Thank you to all!! 

June 2014

New Paver Installation

Garden Club 2014

Our memorial beautification is complements of the Brighton Garden Club!  Sally Sonkiss Jane Wilson Elaine McIntyre Gloria Winchel Mavis Goodsmith Betty Steele Nancy Samples Chris Hobmier Marla Fear

April 2014

Memorial Day 2014


New Service flags were raised in our continuing mission of  Phase II of the Brighton Veterans Memorial these new flags are fit to the quality and standard deserved to our community of Veterans - April 9 2014 

This DVD is dedicated to the service men and woman who paid for our freedom with their lives. Music by West Coast Military Academy Cadet Glee Club and Metro Voices, Tenor Ronan Tynan and Sgt. MacKenzie – DVD by John Langskov
Enjoy watching the construction process from inception to finalization - Photographs by Don Bandkau Video by Heidi Fultz

Please enjoy our photo gallery of the Memorial Dedication  - November 9, 2013