TBD = To Be Determined

In May 2017 we added a new sidewalk 7 thru 14 below that can accommodate 495 pavers

Brick Locator Guide

Untitled Page

Select a Veteran       


Paver Location

Due to overwhelming support of the Brighton Veterans Memorial we have put together a paver locator guide.  Locate the veterans name from the pull down menu below to find it's

location on the Memorial site diagram.  Over 750 pavers have been purchased by friends, families or loved ones and we are adding more daily.  Having every veterans memorial paver accurate and accommodating many families wishes is of the utmost importance to us.  We are exhaustingly working to make sure all veterans pavers are given the respect they so deserve.  If you find any errors, omissions or inaccuracy's please let us know so we can correct our mistake.

Our Honorees

Map of Memorial for paver locating

* When using a cell phone ( Iphone or Android phone ) the paver location will only display in desktop mode.
